External Advisory Panel

The External Advisory Panel, or EAP, is made up of outside experts who advise the management entity on project selection and review progress.

Martha Byanyima, MSc., Food Safety and Quality Management
Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa, Uganda
(resigned Sept. 2019)

Darlene Cowart, Corporate Food Safety Director
Birdsong Peanuts, US

Cynthia Donovan, Associate Professor
Agricultural Food and Resource Economics
, Michigan State University, US

Jeff Ehlers, Ph.D., Program Officer
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, US

Andrew Emmott, Consultant
Groundnut value chain specialist

Jeff Johnson, consultant
Birdsong Peanuts and The Peanut Institute

Isaac Minde, Ph.D., Deputy Director Innovative Agricultural Research Initiative
Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania

Shyam Nigam, Ph.D., Expert
Agriculture for Development, India

Helga Recke, Visiting Fellow-CALS-AWARE
Cornell University, US

Samara Sterling, Research Director
The Peanut Institute

Farid Waliyar, Independent Consultant
Retired from ICRISAT in 2014

Daniel Bailey (ex-officio), Agriculture Development Officer
US Agency for International Development, US

Dave Hoisington (ex-officio), director
Peanut Innovation Lab, US

Jamie Rhoads (ex-officio), assistant director
Peanut Innovation Lab, US