Where We Work

The Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Peanut works in countries where peanuts are an important source of food security, cash revenue and agricultural diversity.

Most peanut farmers in these countries:

  • Farm less than two acres
  • Using mainly manual labor and hand tools
  • Only produce yields of 500 to 800 pounds per acre on average
  • Are mostly women growing peanuts to feed their families
  • Will sell the remainder of what they grow in local markets for cash

While the Peanut Innovation Lab doesn't yet have a list of locations, Feed the Future has several target countries, including Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guatemala, Honduras, Mali, Kenya, Nepal, Nigeria, Niger, Senegal and Uganda. The Peanut Lab will work in at least some of these places.


Peanut Lab-Primary countries


Focus Countries

The innovation lab's primary countries of focus are Senegal, Ghana, Uganda and Malawi.

Secondary focus countries include Mali, Niger, Kenya, Mozambique, and Zambia.

Partners and collaborators may also be based in other countries strategically connected to focus countries.