Extension Services Peanuts
Practical information about peanut production practices, cultivars, variety and performance testing, and pest management including Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus.
UGA's peanuts site features news and information about scientists, production, publications, events, weather, and related links.
USAID-affiliated sites
Achieving agriculture-led food security through knowledge sharing.
Feed the Future
The U.S. Government's Global Hunger and Food Security Initiative.
Feed the Future Innovation Labs
Draws on the expertise of top U.S. universities and developing country research institutions to tackle some of the world’s greatest challenges in agriculture and food security.
USAID Operational Policy on Development Data
Specific policies and guidance in areas such as Programming Policy as it relates to Planning, Achieving, Assessing and Learning; Microenterprise Development; and International Disaster Assistance.
USAID Operational Policy on Programming
Specific policies and guidance in areas such as Programming Policy as it relates to Planning, Achieving, Assessing and Learning; Microenterprise Development; and International Disaster Assistance.
USAID Recent Policies
USAID has strengthened its policy and strategy capacity by revitalizing several Agency-wide processes for formulating and implementing policies and strategies that are based on evidence.
USAID Strategy and Planning
USAID makes strategic choices that are informed by experience and cutting-edge evidence and analysis.
Fellowship sites
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Provides opportunities for scientists and engineers to learn first-hand about policymaking and implementation while contributing their knowledge and analytical skills to policymakers.
Feed the Future Food Security Innovation Center
Help bring high-level research expertise from U.S. universities and other partners to CGIAR centers to tackle agricultural research issues of relevance to smallholder farmers.
Jefferson Science Fellowship
The Jefferson Science Fellowship is open to tenured, or similarly ranked, faculty from U.S. institutions of higher learning who are U.S. citizens.
Legume Scholars Program
A scholar partnership between the CGIAR Research Program on Grain Legumes and USAID’s Feed the Future Innovation Labs for Collaborative Research on Grain Legumes and Peanut Productivity and Mycotoxin Control.
Partnerships for Enhanced Engagement in Research
A competitive grants program that invites scientists in developing countries, partnered with USG-supported collaborators, to apply for funds to support research and capacity-building activities on topics with strong potential development impacts.
USAID Research and Innovation Fellowships
Build a sustainable model for knowledge exchange by connecting bright American minds with key in-country organizations to collaboratively apply science, technology, and innovation to complex development challenges.
USAID Student Internships
USAID offers both paid and unpaid internships for qualified students during the academic year.
U.S. Borlaug Fellows in Global Food Security program
Help expand the pool of U.S. food security professionals who have the scientific base needed to effectively study and manage the global landscapes in support of sustainable food systems.
American Peanut Council
Representative group of all segments of the peanut industry including Growers, Shellers, Manufacturers, Brokers, International companies, and more.
Cornell Mycotoxin Working Group
The Mycotoxin Working Group members currently conduct research in New York State, Haiti, Kenya and Zimbabwe.
Explore it at ICRISAT
Access to 40 years of agricultural research data and information from the semi-arid tropics.
Generation Challenge Programme
A partnership program in modern crop breeding for food security created by the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR).
Georgia Peanut Commission
Web site for commission, which conducts programs in the areas of peanut promotion, research and education.
International Exchange Alumni
A resource for United States (U.S.) government-sponsored exchange students through the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.
Research project on nitrogen fixation for smallholder legume farmers in Africa.
National Peanut Board
Site of the NPB, a farmer-funded national program, which includes information about new products, manufacturing, nutrition, as well as recipes, educational resources, and a section dedicated to growers.
Partnership for Aflatoxin Control in Africa (PACA)
The partnership for Aflatoxin Control in Africa aims to provide consistent coordination and coherent leadership to the continental efforts on aflatoxin control.
The Peanut Foundation
A non-profit foundation that directs and supports peanut research on behalf of all segments of the peanut industry.
The Peanut Grower
Providing comprehensive coverage of the United States peanut industry.
The Peanut Institute
Non-profit organization that supports nutrition research and develops educational programs to encourage healthful lifestyles that include peanuts and peanut products.
A collaborative community resource to help improve peanut varieties by integrating genetic, genomic, and trait information.
Peanut Bioscience and Genomics
A international forum for enhancing peanut productivity, crop protection and product quality through genetics and molecular biology.
Peanut Science
A publication of the American Peanut Research and Eductation Society (APRES).
Southeastern Peanut Farmers
A bi-monthly collection of peanut information from the heart of the United States peanut belt covering Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi and South Carolina.