Browse Commercial Vegetables Stories - Page 4

167 results found for Commercial Vegetables
Assistant Dean Joe West serves as administrative adviser for a multi-state research project called "Genetic Improvement of Adaptation and Reproduction to Enhance Sustainability of Cow-Calf Production in the Southern United States." CAES News
Multistate Research
In agricultural research, scientists across disciplines often find themselves working to address the same issues as colleagues at other institutions. To help advance and streamline this important work, funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) allows land-grant university scientists to work collectively to answer questions with a broad scope.
UGA Extension weed scientist Stanley Culpepper speaks about weed research during a field day. CAES News
Using Pesticides Wisely
A state program aimed at teaching farmers and other pesticide applicators how to properly apply pesticides continues to limit pesticide drift in Georgia. The educational training system, called “Using Pesticides Wisely,” was created by University of Georgia Cooperative Extension and the Georgia Department of Agriculture. UGA Extension weed scientist Stanley Culpepper, who developed the training, credits Georgia farmers’ excellent teamwork and decision-making for the low number of pesticide drift complaints in Georgia in 2017.
Andre da Silva is the new Extension vegetable specialist on the UGA Tifton campus. CAES News
Extension Vegetable Specialist
New University of Georgia Cooperative Extension vegetable specialist Andre da Silva will improve vegetable production in Georgia through irrigation — and fertilizer-based research on the UGA Tifton campus.
Damage from Hurricane Michael in Tift County that impacted a pecan orchard. CAES News
Hurricane Michael Impact
To avoid losing their farms following Hurricane Michael, Georgia farmers need financial relief as soon as possible, according to Jeff Dorfman, a professor and agricultural economist in the University of Georgia Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics.
Winds from Tropical Storm Irma uprooted a tree on the lawn of the United Bank in Griffin, Georgia. CAES News
Hurricane Michael
Hurricanes, tropical storms and severe rainfall events are commonly seen among states in the Southeast U.S. These natural events most often occur during summer or early fall and may cause severe problems for urban and agricultural areas of Georgia. As of this week, it appears that we have another hurricane poised to strike Georgia. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension wants all of its agents — and the fruit, vegetable and nut growers they serve — to be as prepared as possible for the effects of the storm.
Whiteflies seen on a squash leaf. CAES News
Whitefly Update
Silverleaf whiteflies devastated Georgia’s cotton and fall vegetable crops last year. In response to this crisis, a team of University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences research and UGA Cooperative Extension specialists is studying the pests statewide to help cotton and vegetable farmers avoid another year of disappointing crops.
Pepper weevil on a plant. CAES News
Pepper Weevils
Pepper weevils are such a threat to Georgia’s pepper crop that University of Georgia vegetable entomologist David Riley says Georgia farmers and agricultural workers should immediately kill any weevils found on fruit, equipment or clothes.
Poblano peppers growing. CAES News
Poblano Pepper
Juan Carlos Diaz-Perez, University of Georgia vegetable horticulturist, encourages Georgia vegetable producers to consider planting poblano peppers.
Bell peppers picked in 2017 on the UGA Tifton Campus. CAES News
Bell Peppers
While commercial bell pepper producers grow this popular vegetable on fumigated plastic mulch beginning in early March, home gardeners in south and central Georgia should plant them in early to mid-April, according to University of Georgia Cooperative Extension vegetable horticulturist Tim Coolong.
Irrigation pivots are being used on the UGA Tifton Campus. CAES News
Water Summits
Water summits in Tifton, Georgia, this week and across the U.S. provide fruit and vegetable growers with an opportunity to discuss water use on farms and simplification of existing water regulation standards with Food and Drug Administration (FDA) officials.