Browse Parenting Stories - Page 4

55 results found for Parenting
More than 160,000 children nationwide miss school every day out of fear of being bullied, according to the National Education Association. CAES News
Signs of Bullying
The website defines bullying as “unwanted, aggressive behavior among school-age children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance.” Bullying can include making threats, spreading rumors, physically or verbally attacking someone, and excluding someone from a group on purpose.
Whether you are planning a trip out of state or a short trip in Georgia, planning ahead will make for a less stressful vacation. Packing essentials like first aid items, sunscreen and medications will make health problems away from home less trying. CAES News
Vacation Time
We are well into longer, hotter days and children are out of school and eagerly anticipating family vacation. Whether you attend a family reunion in a rural area or head to the big city, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension offers several tips to help you have a fun, safe vacation.
Georgia 4-H now offers the Setting Your Sights on Medical School program to expose students from medically underserved, rural Georgia to medical school. Members of 4-H must apply to the program, and accepted students travel to Macon for an inside look at medical school through sessions led by Mercer faculty and students. CAES News
Future Doctors
To expose 4-H’ers from medically underserved, rural Georgia to medical school, Georgia 4-H has created a program called “Setting Your Sights on Medical School.” Select students travel to Macon, Georgia, for an inside look at medical school through sessions led by Mercer University Medical School students and faculty.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that between 80 and 90 percent of car seats are not correctly installed. This image shows the correct and incorrect ways to use a child safety car seat. CAES News
Car Seat Safety
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension agents in Telfair and Tattnall counties help children travel safely by teaching their parents how to properly install car seats.
Technology gifts are on the top of many Christmas lists. If your child received one this holiday, University of Georgia Extension specialists say to review the apps on the device and police any new ones downloaded to the device to ensure that they are appropriate for children. CAES News
Screen Time
Babysitters are no strangers to learning nap time, homework time and meal time quirks. As children gain more access to technology, parents should also share their screen time expectations with babysitters.
More than 160,000 children nationwide miss school every day out of fear of being bullied, according to the National Education Association. CAES News
Teenagers spend a lot of time online. Social media activity carries clout among teens, and can empower cyberbullies, which is why parents should be prepared to help their children cope with social pressures online.
Bullying Essay
Olivia Forrest experienced rejection and bullying, but no one would believe her until one principal stood up and made a difference in her life.
The Georgia Traffic Injury Prevention Institute (GTIPI) will offer four training and community education initiatives through this year's grant award. CAES News
Driver Education/Safety
The University of Georgia Traffic Injury Prevention Institute has been awarded a $656,000 grant from the Georgia Governor’s Office of Highway Safety (GOHS) to continue statewide child passenger safety, parent and teen driving safety, and senior driver education programs.
It took author Ina Cook Hopkins more than nine years to compile data, interview key players, write the text and work with designer Carol Williamson to complete a history book about Rock Eagle 4-H Center. A former Walton County 4-H'er, Hopkins refers to the book as her last 4-H record book and a “tangible way to give back to the organization that means so much” to her. She is pictured (seated) with the book's designer, Carol Williamson (standing left), and Georgia 4-H State Leader Arch Smith. CAES News
Rock Eagle History
A newly published history of Rock Eagle 4-H Center, “Rock Eagle: Centerpiece of Georgia 4-H,” details how the camp grew into a place where millions of past Georgia 4-H’ers and unknown numbers of future 4-H members create lifelong memories.
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension experts say washing hands after petting animals at fairs and festivals is a must. Petting zoos and farms can be a source of E. coli transmission. Reduce your risk of becoming ill by visiting hand-washing stations immediately and thoroughly washing your hands. CAES News
Clean Hands
It is the time of year for visiting pumpkin patches, fall festivals and Christmas tree farms. Many of these venues have petting zoos and sell food products – a combination that is a potential health risk if proper hand washing isn’t included.