Browse Entomology Stories - Page 24

479 results found for Entomology
Mounds of red imported fire ants are often found popping up in pastures and in unique spots, like beside this mailbox post in Griffin, Georgia. CAES News
Fire Ant Control
Bait treatment should be applied in southern and central Georgia in April and October to eliminate existing fire ant colonies and their mounds, but reinvasion can occur any time, according to University of Georgia entomologist Will Hudson. Four to six months later, the mounds will reappear, which means homeowners should treat for the pests twice a year, about six months apart.
Termites feed on pieces of wood in garden soil. CAES News
Pest Control Training
The University of Georgia Griffin Campus is hosting two intensive commercial Integrated Pest Management (IPM) training programs this spring, including a 1.5-day workshop on termite control and a 10-week Urban Pest Management Program course that will run from April to June.
UGA Entomology Professor Glen Rains demonstrates sprayer calibration during UGA's Integrated Pest Management Field Day in Alma, Georgia. CAES News
Blueberry Pest Field Day
With spring approaching, blueberry farmers focus on maximizing their 2018 yields, which means finding new ways to deal with pests like gall midge and spotted wing drosophila. To help these growers stay on top of potential pest problems, University of Georgia integrated pest management (IPM) researchers hosted a spring field day in Alma, Georgia, on Feb 21. Over 70 regional farmers from several southwestern Georgia counties, such as Bacon, Clinch, Appling and Pierce, attended the half-day event.
Here's a closeup picture of blueberries being grown in Alapaha. Picture taken in May, 2013. CAES News
Pest Management Field Day
Specialists from the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences will lead a blueberry-centric integrated pest management (IPM) field day on Wednesday, Feb. 21 in Alma, Georgia.
When using pesticides, remember that the safe and legal use of pesticides requires that the entire label be followed exactly. Contact your local Extension agent if you're unsure about a product. CAES News
Pesticide Safety
Hundreds of people get sick each year from inappropriate pesticide use, but those who don’t deal with pesticides daily may not think about it very often. Of the 11 states participating in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) pesticide safety program, workers reported 853 serious injuries from pesticides in 2011, according to the CDC.
Mickey Taylor, front row, third from left, coordinates the Georgia's Pesticide Safety Education Program (PSEP) through University of Georgia Cooperative Extension. He recently attended a conference in Qui Nhon, Vietnam, where he discussed best practices for implementing pesticide regulation and education programs in emerging economies. CAES News
Pesticide Safety Outreach
In the U.S., the most toxic pesticides can only be purchased and used by those who’ve undergone rigorous training. In some other countries, that’s not the case. Mickey Taylor, who coordinates Georgia’s Pesticide Safety Education Program (PSEP) through University of Georgia Cooperative Extension, recently attended a conference in Qui Nhon, Vietnam. There, Taylor discussed best practices for implementing pesticide regulation and education programs in emerging economies.
Shimat Joseph, an entomologist based on the University of Georgia Griffin campus, conducts research on turfgrass and ornamental plant pests. Joseph also works with UGA Cooperative Extension agents and teaches an entomology laboratory course for UGA students enrolled in the plant protection and pest management master's degree program. CAES News
New Entomologist
Shimat Joseph, an entomologist based on the University of Georgia Griffin campus, will research turfgrass and ornamental plant pests as the newest member of the UGA Turfgrass Team.
Brian Forschler, University of Georgia professor of entomology, has taught undergraduate and graduate courses in urban entomology, mentored students and served on the Georgia Department of Agriculture Structural Pest Control Commission. He has also served on the Association of Structural Pest Control Regulatory Officials' Termiticide Scientific Review Panel and the Termiticide Label Review Committee. CAES News
Entomology Recognition
University of Georgia entomologist Brian Forschler built his career studying termites, a pest that many homeowners don’t care to think about. 
The bean plataspid or kudzu bug CAES News
Exotic Pest Meeting
The Georgia Exotic Pest Plant Council will examine the control and management of invasive insects and plants at the council’s annual conference on Monday, Oct. 30, at the University of Georgia Griffin campus. The conference runs from 8:30 a.m. to 4:45 p.m.
Local officials, regents and University of Georgia President Jere Morehead pose for a photo at the ribbon cutting of the new Turfgrass Research Building on the UGA Griffin campus. CAES News
Turf Team
University of Georgia, state and industry leaders cut the ribbon on Sept. 21 signifying the official openings of three new turfgrass research and education facilities on the Griffin, Tifton and Athens campuses. The largest of the facilities is on the UGA Griffin campus, where the ceremony took place.