Browse 4-H Stories - Page 22

226 results found for 4-H
Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue met with a group of select Georgia 4-H'ers on Friday, Oct. 6, in recognition of National 4-H Week, held Oct. 2-6. Perdue is shown being greeted by Pulaski County 4-H member Cooper Hardy. The secretary and the students toured the 4-H exhibits at the Georgia National Fair in Perry, Georgia, the former Georgia governor's hometown. He also heard presentations from three Georgia 4-H'ers: Amelia Day of Houston County, Angel Austin of Ben Hill County and Evie Woodward of Coffee County. CAES News
Perdue Visit
Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue met with a group of select Georgia 4-H’ers on Friday, Oct. 6, in recognition of National 4-H Week, held Oct. 2-6. Perdue and the students toured the 4-H exhibits at the Georgia National Fair in Perry, Georgia, the former Georgia governor’s hometown. He also heard presentations from three Georgia 4-H’ers: Amelia Day of Houston County, Angel Austin of Ben Hill County and Evie Woodward of Coffee County.
National 2017 4-H Youth in Action Citizenship winner Amelia Day is a recent high school graduate from Fort Valley, Georgia. As a Georgia 4-H member, she created Operation: Veteran Smiles, a project that provides care packages to veterans in Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) hospitals. CAES News
4-H Week
Six million students across America participate in 4-H and, of those, more than 170,000 call Georgia home. To raise awareness of the state’s largest youth development organization, the week of Oct. 1-7 has been declared National 4-H Week.
David Weber and Jillian Norrie, environmental educators at Burton 4-H Center, carry a sea turtle back to the ocean as a host of local Tybee Island residents and tourists look on. The turtle, named Zoe by the center's staff, quickly swam out of sight. CAES News
Turtle Release
Zoe, a loggerhead sea turtle that lived at the Burton 4-H Center on Tybee Island, Georgia, for the past five years, was released on the island Saturday, Sept. 30. A large crowd of local residents and tourists gathered with cameras ready as Zoe was lowered into the water just south of the pier on Tybee Beach, where the sea turtle hatched.
Lavendar Harris, 16-year-old Georgia 4-H'er and a volunteer at Bear Hollow Zoo in Athens-Clarke County, compiled a coloring book to serve as a fundraiser for the zoo. Harris is a home-schooled student and Newton County, Georgia, 4-H Club member. The coloring book is the keystone of her Georgia 4-H Leadership in Action project. CAES News
Working for Wildlife
What has 16 paws, eight hooves and three beaks? The answer can be found at Athens, Georgia’s Bear Hollow Zoo, and it’s not a fantastic beast. It’s a coloring book featuring some of the zoo’s most notable residents.
Seminole County, Georgia, 4-H member Kellee Alday won first place in this year's Georgia 4-H Watermelon Growing Contest with a 128-pound 'Carolina Cross' watermelon. CAES News
Young Farmers
Seminole County, Georgia, 4-H member Kellee Alday won first place in this year’s Georgia 4-H Watermelon Growing Contest. The 128-pound ‘Carolina Cross’ watermelon she grew landed Alday the win, which was far from her first, but it will be her last.
Bullying Essay
Olivia Forrest experienced rejection and bullying, but no one would believe her until one principal stood up and made a difference in her life.
An exhausted but triumphant team of school-aged chefs — including Victoria Sweeney, 10, of Warren T. Jackson Elementary School; Parker Payne, 10, of Woodward Academy; Nile Smith, 10, of Roswell North Elementary School; and Isaiah Farrow, 10, of Georgia Connections Academy — celebrate after winning the inaugural Fulton Fresh Kids Cooking Competition on June 6 at the Ponce City Market Farmers Market. CAES News
Kids Cooking Competition
When it comes to grilled cheese sandwiches, there are about as many variations as there are chefs: tangy sandwiches made of cheddar with hearty wheat bread and creamy versions made of smoked Gouda with crusty French bread. The 15 school-aged children who competed at the inaugural Fulton Fresh Kids’ Cooking Competition left no sandwich concept unexplored as they competed in teams and flexed their grilled cheese expertise. 
Despite the fact that he dislocated his shoulder the first day of the event, 15-year-old Tyler Griffeth continued to participate in the 2016 Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. This was a sign of his perseverance and tenacity to see his projects through to the end. Each year, some 1,600 4-H and FFA students in Georgia participate in livestock shows that involve goats, lambs, steers, heifers and swine. Youth who participate in livestock programs have to feed their animals every day, work with them, get them trained to show and, finally, groom them and get them ready to be put in the ring. They quickly learn that taking care of an animal requires a lot of responsibility. CAES News
Learning Responsibility
I am passionate about youth livestock projects. I think youth livestock projects, like showing hogs, cattle, goats, lambs or even horses, are one of the most valuable and rewarding experiences out there for youth today. How many other activities teach the level of responsibility that’s required of someone showing an animal at a livestock show?
Chatham County 4-H Club members, from left, Sonté Davis, Faythe Robinson, Ashley Johnson, Anna Morris and Amari McDonald pose with the display for their award-winning GAP2 concept for locally sourced baked goods. CAES News
New Food Trends
Vegan marshmallows, dairy-free cheese crackers and locally sourced baked treats — the highlights of Georgia 4-H’s 2017 Food Product Development Contest read like a list of top food trends of 2017. Inspired by the dietary needs and interests of their friends and neighbors, three teams of Georgia 4-H’ers met at the University of Georgia Department of Food Science and Technology in Athens, Georgia, last week to showcase their newly developed food products.
Dennis Hancock, UGA associate professor of crop and soil sciences and Extension forage specialist, recently won UGA's Walter Barnard Hill Award for Distinguished Achievement in Public Service and Outreach. Each year, he conducts many workshops and field days to help farmers reduce their bottom lines by increasing the health of their pastures. CAES News
Walter B. Hill Awards
Two University of Georgia Cooperative Extension faculty members received Walter Barnard Hill Awards in recognition of their public outreach. Melanie Biersmith, Georgia 4-H environmental education coordinator, and Dennis Hancock, Extension forages specialist and associate professor of crop and soil sciences, both received 2017 Walter Barnard Hill Awards for Distinguished Achievement in Public Service and Outreach (Hill Award) at UGA’s Public Service Outreach Annual Meeting and Awards Luncheon on April 17.