Browse Human Development and Family Science Stories - Page 3

90 results found for Human Development and Family Science
Members of the Elite Radon Team install a radon mitigation system at a house in Athens. CAES News
Test home for radon
The leading cause of lung cancer among non-smokers is radon, a naturally occurring, odorless gas that is common to much of Georgia. Radon claims 21,000 lives annually, including around 800 in Georgia.
UGA students talk with Georgia residents via a virtual connection in the Charles Schwab Financial Planning Center on campus. CAES News
Free tax prep aids Georgians
University of Georgia students contributed to an estimated $4.4 million economic impact on the state from services provided through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program this year.
Tonya Thomas Berry stands in front of Emery Thomas Auditorium, named for her grandfather, in Dublin, Georgia. Emery Thomas Auditorium, the historic home of the Dublin 4-H Center, was recently named to the National Register of Historic Places. CAES News
Dublin 4-H Center
Georgia 4-H recognized the historical significance of the Dublin 4-H Center on May 14 with a program at the Emery Thomas Auditorium, which was recently named to the National Register of Historic Places by the National Park Service. The Dublin 4-H Center opened in 1957 and became the first state center for Black 4-H Club members in the United States.
Participants from a fall 2021 ELEVATE workshop in Henry County celebrate completing the program. CAES News
Elevate your relationship with free workshops
A 12-hour workshop may not sound like the most romantic gift for Valentine’s Day, but hundreds of Georgia couples testify to the benefits of free relationship education offered by the University of Georgia.
COVID-19 Family Life
With the COVID-19 pandemic causing shelter-in-place orders across Georgia, families are spending more time together than ever. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension family life specialist Ted Futris offers advice on how to manage more togetherness.
Decatur County farmer Bobby Barber, Jr., tells local University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Nan Bostick about the day Hurricane Michael struck his farm. Bostick joined the Extension office last spring says the farmers in her county have shown her that they are resilient, positive, and are going to start over and do everything they can to be even better. "We might be bruised, but we are not broken,” she said. CAES News
Rural Stress
Much like their counterparts across the nation, farmers in Georgia have experienced increased rates of suicide and stress over the last decade. To help curb these statistics, University of Georgia faculty are working to understand the causes of rural stress and to build systems that can help rural communities support community members in crisis.
University of Georgia Extension experts say that you should wash your hands for 20 seconds with warm soap and water to effectively clean them. Hand sanitizer is not a replacement for hand-washing. Sanitizer can be used in the event that soap and water are not available, but soap and water are always the best choice for hand-washing. CAES News
Handwashing Tips
Back to school for Georgia students means reuniting with friends, reminiscing about summer and, unfortunately, sharing germs that could lead to various illnesses.
Physical activity benefits children and adults by improving self-esteem, lowering rates of depression, creating higher-quality sleep and a more positive overall attitude toward life. CAES News
Active Kids
A generation ago, students looked forward to recess; a break in the school day when they could spend time with their friends climbing on the monkey bars, swinging or just burning some energy. But recess isn’t a guaranteed part of the school day anymore, and parents must make a concerted effort to add physical activity into their child’s day, says Diane Bales, a University of Georgia Cooperative Extension human development specialist.
A University of Georgia Cooperative Extension expert says children who don't get enough sleep can be irritable and lack concentration. On average, school-aged children need about 12 hours of sleep. CAES News
Sleep Tight, Learn Better
Almost any teacher in America can look at her class and know which kids went to bed too late the night before. Sometimes the students are grumpy. Sometimes they’re drowsy. Sometimes they’re just not as attentive as they usually are. The symptoms are varied, but they’re all caused by a lack of sleep.
Communication Routines
Amid after-school activities — homework, dinner prep, baths and bedtime — it can be hard for parents and children to make time to talk.