Browse Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication Stories - Page 14

162 results found for Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication
Palmer amaranth can reach heights of up to 7-10 feet. UGA Extension weed specialist Eric Prostko encourages farmers to continue to control Palmer amaranth even after their corn is harvested. CAES News
Chemistry Rotation
A University of Georgia professor is advocating that farmers rotate the pesticides they apply to cotton crops in order to prevent another outbreak of the herbicide-resistant weed, Palmer amaranth.
Pictured is George Vellidis in one of his introductory precision ag classes from previous years on the UGA Tifton Campus. CAES News
Specialized Academic Courses
The addition of specialized agriscience and environmental systems courses — precision agriculture, sustainable agriculture and plant breeding/genetics — is expected to bolster already strong academic programs at the University of Georgia Athens and Tifton campuses.
Camden Lowrance, right, is pictured with his father during Lowrence's visit to Greece. CAES News
Graduate Student Studies Overseas
Studying overseas was an eye-opening experience for University of Georgia graduate student Camden Lowrance. Six months in Greece allowed Lowrance to work on his master’s thesis and to prove that he could more than survive — he could excel at his work — in a foreign country.
Director of the innaugural year of the UGA's Advancing Georgia's Leaders in Agriculture and Forestry program Rochelle Strickland (back row, second from left) and assistant director Kristi Farner (middle row far left) introduce the first class of leaders to graduate from the program: from left to right; (front row) Jutt Howard, Sarah M. Cook, Amanda Tedrow, Derick Wooten, Jenni Harris, Steve Gibson, (middle row) Brandon Ashley, Jesse Johnson, Rebecca Thomas, and (back row) Duane Myers, Tate O'Rouke, Mark Risse and Brent Allen. CAES News
AGL Class I Graduates
After two years learning about Georgia’s largest industry and developing leadership skills, the inaugural class of the Advancing Georgia’s Leaders in Agriculture and Forestry has graduated from the program.
Maria Navarro, associate professor in the Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication, works with Josef Broder, associate dean for academic affairs for the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, at a Office of Global Programs visioning meeting in June 2014. CAES News
Global Goals for CAES
Within the next decade the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Office of Global Programs will be recognized among land grant institutions for the depth, diversity and quality of its international engagement. This is the vision that came out of the office’s strategic planning meeting held on June 19 at the State Botanical Gardens of Georgia.
Sen. Saxby Chambliss speaks at the National 4-H Council Breakfast on April 9 in Washington D.C. CAES News
Friend of 4-H
National 4-H Council recognized Senator Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) with the 4-H Champion for Kids Award today during a 4-H Congressional Breakfast on Capitol Hill. Chambliss received the award in honor of his work advancing 4-H youth development in Georgia.
UGA CAES students, from left; back, J. Thomas Golden, Michael Thompson, Sarah Brown, Tess Hammock and, front, Sarah Carnes and Mary Cromley will serve as UGA's Congressional Agriculture Fellows this summer.  Once in Washington D.C., the students will attend agricultural committee hearings and conduct agricultural-related research, all while earning credit hours towards graduation. CAES News
Congressional Agriculture Fellowships
This summer, six University of Georgia students will learn the inner-workings of our nation's capital as they serve as UGA Congressional Agricultural Fellows in Washington, D.C.
Tess Hammock, right, testified March 4 on behalf of the 7 million 4-H'ers in America. The hearing was held before the U.S. House of Representatives subcommittee on horticulture, research, biotechnology and foreign agriculture, chaired by Rep. Austin Scott (R-Ga.), left. CAES News
UGA Extension Centennial
University of Georgia student Tess Hammock testified at a U.S. House of Representatives hearing Tuesday on behalf of the 7 million 4-H’ers in America.
University of Georgia President Jere Morehead, left, Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal and Georgia Agricultural Commissioner Gary Black talk on Tuesday at the Sunbelt Ag Expo in Moultrie. CAES News
Presidential Visit
University of Georgia President Jere Morehead dubbed his first visit to the Sunbelt Ag Expo as “spectacular.”
If you want to develop a farm-to-school program at your child's school, county and state UGA Extension personnel are ready and willing to work with you and your child's teachers to move your farm-to-school efforts forward. Extension personnel can connect schools with local farmers, provide curriculum and instruction on nutrition education, and assist with the implementation of school gardens. CAES News
National Teach Ag Day
Fewer Americans are being raised on farms than 50 years ago, but agricultural education teachers may be more important than ever. They are helping young people understand the complex food system that keeps American’s food supply safe and secure.