Browse Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication Stories - Page 15

162 results found for Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication
Jason Peake, an agriculture teacher at the University of Georgia Tifton Campus, talks to prospective students and family members at last week's showCAES Southeast recruiting event in Lyons on Sept. 19. CAES News
National Ag Teacher Day
Jason Peake was destined to teach agriculture. It’s in his DNA.
Diana King, a native of Illinois, is in her sixth year as an agriculture teacher at the University of Georgia Tifton Campus. CAES News
National Ag Teacher Day
A self-professed farm girl from Illinois is helping shape and mold future agriculture teachers at the University of Georgia.
Associate Dean for Academics Josef Broder stands with CAES Agricultural D.C. Fellows Valerie Noles, Rebecca Rykard, Heather Hatzenbuhler, William Moses and Lee Lister at the capital during summer 2013. CAES News
D.C. Fellows
With immigration reform, the farm bill and student loan negotiations making headlines this summer, the six University of Georgia students who spent the summer in Washington as College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences D.C. Ag Fellows were extremely busy.
Jason Peake, associate professor at the UGA Tifton Campus, talks with his students in a class during last spring semester. CAES News
UGA Tifton Academics
The University of Georgia Tifton Campus’ recipe for a successful academic program combines three ingredients: small class sizes, a hands-on learning approach and world-class scientists. The result is an academic program that appeals to individuals vying for top employment opportunities in agriculture.
John Beasley, a former professor at the UGA Tifton Campus, talks to a student during a showCAES@UGAsoutheast event. This year's southeast event will be held Oct. 4 in Statesboro. CAES News
CAES Academics
The University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences will be showcased in a pair of upcoming recruitment events
J. Scott Angle, dean and director, UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. CAES News
UGA Student Success
Each year as a new group of freshmen shows up for the first day of class at the University of Georgia, I’m reminded of all the students who have crossed our path and now make up the rich fabric of our strong agricultural economy. Our graduates can be found in boardrooms and on ball fields, in legislatures and laboratories, classrooms, cow pastures and cotton fields all over the world.
Third graders participate in the recycling relay race during Agriculture and Environmental Awareness Day at the UGA-Tifton Campus. CAES News
Ag Awareness
Area third graders got a chance to get outside and explore Thursday morning on the Tifton campus of the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.
After a nationwide search, the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences has named Kathleen (Kay) D. Kelsey head of the college's Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication. CAES News
New leader appointed
After a nationwide search, the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences has named Kathleen (Kay) D. Kelsey head of the college’s Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication.
UGA geneticist Katrien Devos and her Ph.D. student Rajiv K. Parvathaneni identified the gene in dwarf pearl millet that leads to its short stature. It's the first gene identified with a specific trait in the drought-hardy grain. CAES News
Dwarf millet discovery
Recently, plant geneticists at the University of Georgia successfully isolated the gene that creates dwarfed varieties of pearl millet. It is the first time a gene controlling an important agronomic trait has been isolated in the pearl millet genome. Their work appeared in the March edition of the journal G3: Genes, Genomics, Genetics.
Scott Angle, dean of the UGA College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Barry Martin, and Ronnie Barentine, County Extension Coordinator for Pulaski County. Angle and Barentine visited Martin's farm near Hawkinsville after Martin was named the 2012 Swisher Sweets/Sunbelt Expo Farmer of the Year. CAES News
Public Service and Outreach Awards
Ronnie Barentine, extension coordinator for Dooly County, has spent the last three decades developing ways to make Georgia’s largest industry more efficient and profitable. He’s also made it more sustainable.