Amade Muitia

Amade Muitia, Ph.D.
Groundnut Breeder
Instituto de Investigação Agrária de Moçambique (IIAM)
Mozambique Agricultural Research Institute
Northeast Zonal Center
Via Corrane Km 7
Nampula, Mozambique
+258 825 523 65


Amade Muitia is the main peanut breeder in Mozambique and is headquartered in Nampula. He is a Collaborating Scientist for the Peanut & Mycotoxin Innovation Lab’s (PMIL) Peanut Varietal Development project and two projects that focus on the value chain in Southern Africa.

Current Research Projects

Southern Africa Pre-harvest Value Chain Analysis

Southern Africa Peanut Value Chain Interventions

Peanut Varietal Development

Research Locations


Previous Research Projects